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protesters shouting and holding signs

New Offences For Protesters: The Public Order Act 2023

What is The Public Order Act 2023? The Public Order Act 2023 is a UK law that gives police greater powers to prevent protest tactics deemed ‘disruptive’. The act was passed on 2nd May 2023 and created new offences to prevent disruption caused by protestors,

What is The Building Safety Act 2022?

The Building Safety Act 2022 (“BSA 2022”) was introduced as to reform the building safety legislation after the Grenfell Tower disaster in 2017. This Article aims to reflect on the BSA 2022 and its progression however, it will discuss the advantages and disadvantages. Furthermore, this

Sexual Violence Within Marriage

At the outset, violence against women has been recognized as an act against public health and a blatant violation of women’s basic human rights. The concept of marital rape has been rather difficult to comprehend not only for policymakers, but also for the public at

How Do Civil Cases Work?

Under UK civil law, all parties must follow the Civil Procedure Rules. These provide instructions on how civil cases are to proceed and can be found on the Government website.  Whilst different areas of civil law are governed by separate protocols, Part 1 of the

No Fault Divorce- What does this mean for you?

As unfortunate as it sounds, the estimated rate of divorce in the United Kingdom is currently around 42%. As recorded by the Office of National Statistics, in 2021 there were 113,505 divorces granted in England and Wales alone, which was a 9.6% increase in comparison with the